What services can a Maritime Architect provide?
The range of tasks we offer to a client include most of the requirements necessary to seek funds either from the HLF or some other organisation. Where necessary, further expertise can be called in from specialist contractors to complete the picture.
For many clients a typical work scope is :
A client could choose to take any or all of the tasks listed depending on their in house capabilities. The sequence is more or less standard, although it is modified from time to time to reflect the exact needs of the funder . The move to an Activity plan has brought with it the need for its own specialists.
Where it is difficult to define a complete package of work or where funding is limited, clients have found it useful to take up a service where individual tasks can be carried out against agreed rates.
This has the advantage that a client can carry out the sort of work outlined in the full Heritage Support Package to suit their fund raising efforts..
Alternatively it can be used to cover individual tasks that are beyond the client’s own capabilities. It has been successfully used to scope out work for specialists, support negotiations with potential contractors, carry out stability checks and survey a periscope.